Banish Bikini Bumps with Tend Skin Solution - Beauty Addict

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Banish Bikini Bumps with Tend Skin Solution

Razor bumps. Or waxing bumps. Ingrown hairs...ew! Just the thought of them makes me cringe! I've tried everything to get rid of these little red monsters...Benadryl, Neosporin, Bikini Zone, toner, even Visine. Nothing really worked until I discovered Tend Skin Solution one day while doing my favorite thing, browsing the shelves of Sephora. This clear liquid contains acetylsalicylic acid (for you aspiring-pharmacist types, that's aspirin) and glycerin to banish the bumps, and it really works.

Within a day or two you'll see an improvement, and with regular use, razor bumps will be a thing of the past. It's great for underarms, bikini area, and those funny places on your legs where bumps mysteriously appear. For all you menfolk out there, it's wonderful for your face if your skin is sensitive to shaving. Tend Skin is $20 for a 4-oz bottle that lasts forever - you only need a little bit on a cotton ball, once or twice a day.
