Newsletter: June 2008 - Beauty Addict

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Newsletter: June 2008

Ah, June. Summer's finally here! But wait a minute, how did it go from 65 degrees to 90 in a matter of days? It's 95 degrees here in New York as I write this, and I'm feeling especially thankful for my air conditioner today.

Anyhow. It feels like this is the month of housekeeping issues here at Beauty Addict. My comments service freaked out (it's fixed now, I think), and then my Blogarithm email update service was gobbled up by RSSFWD, which is crap. I told you about Feedburner emails, right? Much, much better. Sign up if you like, and you'll get snippets of my new posts every morning. (Or, you can just add Beauty Addict to your favorite reader.) I'm running at about 3 posts a day now, so there's lots to keep up with.

Speaking of that, it's getting to the point where I can barely keep up with all these new collections, picks and pans. So at the end of every month, you'll see one "Love It Or Leave It" post that rounds up all the best and worst items featured that month (ie, Beauty of Bathing is clearly a "Love It," while that dastardly Aveeno tanner will most certainly be under the "Leave It" column).

The Encyclopedia of Mascara has been updated with some new reviews and a better mechanism for finding what you want: you can now use the links at the top of the page to navigate to the reviews for a particular brand. And! There's always an and! You can now access the Encyclopedia directly from the "Features" section in the left sidebar.

Also, this week will kick off a new round of self-tanner reviews, culminating in Beauty Addict's Ultimate Guide to Self-Tanners. This mega-post will round up all my how-to guides and self-tanner reviews (over 30 of them!), organized into four categories: Hall of Fame, Recommended, Recommended With Reservations, and Not Recommended (aka RUN AWAY!). I've had a great time organizing all these reviews and guides, and I hope you enjoy them!

In other news, I shaved off a chunk of my eyebrow yesterday. This has caused much upsetment here at Beauty Addict HQ. Needless to say, it was accidental. And that's all I want to say about that, except to make the point that I'll probably use up an entire blonde brow pencil over the coming weeks.

