Lily Allen is Your Favorite February Cover Girl! - Beauty Addict

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lily Allen is Your Favorite February Cover Girl!

The votes are in, with nearly 500 of you weighing in on your favorite February 2008 cover looks. Lily Allen's UK Marie Claire cover took the prize easily, with 30.8% of the votes.

Second place was a close race, with Shia LaBeouf and Harrison Ford (19.4%) barely nudging past the expectant Halle Berry (19.2%).

Jessica Alba (11.4%), Jennifer Lopez (10.3%) and Carrie Underwood (6.6%) trailed the pack, with only the supremely hideous Keira Knightley W cover (2.4%) garnering fewer votes. OK, who voted for that one? My polling function tells me that you were on the West Coast. Pranksters.

Soon the March covers will be making the rounds (and look out for a Beauty Addict mention in Real Simple) and I'll be posting them as soon as they make their debut!
